حل كتاب النشاط انجليزي ثالث متوسط ف1 الفصل الاول 1446

حل تمارين كتاب الانجليزي النشاط للصف الثالث المتوسط الفصل الاول حلول كتاب التمارين Super Goal 3 انجليزي ثالث متوسط ف1 للعام الدراسي 1446 على موقع منهجي بدون تحميل بصيغة pdf
Workbook English grade 3 average Term 1
نشاط Unit 1 Lifestyles
نشاط Unit 2 Life Stories
نشاط Unit 3 When Are You Traveling?
نشاط Unit 4 What Do I Need to Buy?
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1–4
حل كتاب النشاط انجليزي ثالث متوسط Super Goal 3 الفصل الاول محلول
Write about each photo. Use the words to ask questions and give answers.
Write about yourself. Answer the questions. Use adverbs/expressions of frequency.
Now write a paragraph about your activities. How often and how long do you do them?
Which are important? Which are not important? Which are habits? Which are addictions? What can you do to change them?
Complete each sentence with the verb in parentheses. Then rewrite each sentence.Use an adverb of frequency.
حل اسئلة تمارين واجب مشروع انجليزي صف ثالث متوسط ف١ نشاط الترم الاول واجباتي
Write a conversation between Faisal and Adnan about Faisal’s Saturday plans.
Now rewrite the recipe. Use the sequence words in the box.
Look at the recipe for fruit salad. Rewrite the recipe in the correct order.
Now write a paragraph about your shopping trip at your supermarket. Use the information from your shopping list above. Use sequence words like first, then, after that, and finally.
Look at the photo of Jeff. Write sentences about what he is going to do. Write sentences about what he will probably do.
حل كتاب الانجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الاول كتبي
Now write a paragraph about your life then and now. Write what you used to do and what you do now.
How is your life different now from when you were seven years old? Complete the chart with your ideas.
Now write a paragraph about your trip. Use the information from the travel agent’s form above.

حل كتاب الانجليزي ثالث متوسط ف1 النشاط ١٤٤٦
حلول انجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الاول كتاب النشاط سوبر قول super goal 3
حل كتاب التمارين الانجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الدراسي الاول 1446
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