حل تمارين كتاب الانجليزي النشاط ثالث متوسط الفصل الدراسي الثالث حلول كتاب التمارين super goal 3 انجليزي للصف الثالث المتوسط ف3 المنهج الجديد 1446 على موقع منهجي عرض بدون تحميل pdf
ويشمل حل كتاب النشاط Super Goal 3 انكليزي ثالث متوسط ف٣ على التالي:
solution workbook English 3rd Grade Intermediate Super Goal 3 Term 3
نشاط Unit 9 All Kinds of People
نشاط Unit 10 Who Used My Toothpaste?
نشاط Unit 11 Making Choices
نشاط Unit 12 Culture Shock
درس Listen and Discuss استمع وناقش
درس Pair Work , Grammar العمل الزوجي، القواعد النحوية
درس Language in Context اللغة في السياق
درس Reading , Project , Writing القراءة، المشروع، الكتابة
درس Listening , Pronunciation الاستماع والنطق
درس About You , Conversation عنك , محادثة
درس Form, Meaning and Function الشكل والمعنى والوظيفة
حل كتاب النشاط انجليزي ثالث متوسط super goal 3 الفصل الثالث
Look at the photos. Complete the sentences. Use the words and expressions in the box.
Write two new sentences for each group of sentences. Use who in one sentence and which or that in the other sentence.
They want me to take Ahmed to the football game. The football game is tomorrow night.
Vincent works as a security guard at a bank. Vincent is a very serious person. The bank has never been robbed.
حل اسئلة واجب مشروع الانجليزي صف ثالث متوسط ف3 نشاط واجباتي
Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the past progressive and the simple past.
On Thursday morning, Martin decided that he wanted to invite some friends over that night. He had to do many things at the same time. Write sentences about what he did. Use the pictures and his list.
Now write a paragraph. Write about one of the jobs that would be good for you. Explain why this is a job that would be good for you.
حل كتاب التمارين انجليزي ثالث متوسط الترم الثالث سوبر قول Super Goal 3
Now write a paragraph about what a roommate should know about you.
Now write a paragraph about your choice. Write what you will do and explain your choice.
never been to your country. Write a paragraph about things that are unique to your culture. Use some of your ideas from the chart above.
Imagine you are having an exchange student from another culture stay with you. This student has